
There have been many big 'events' around here lately. (our daughter graduated high school; my father-in law had a heart attack; one of my best friends' husband is actually being persecuted in India for being a Christian trying to help street orphans; and we are getting ready to go on trip to Utah, Vancouver & Alaska that will last 18 days) These are momentous events in my quiet life...but there is something else I didn't mention that has an even greater impact on my my heart & soul than all of these other things combined. My dear friend Richard from South Africa has cancer. I go about my day with this always on my mind. I now wear an annoying yellow "LiveStrong" wrist band in his honor. There isn't a lot I can do for him, except pray and try to send as much positive energy his way as I can. I meditate often, trying to enrich whatever energy that I do have before I "send it off" to him. ( I recently read something that explained what I have believed for some time now....that our spirits / souls are all connected like spokes on a wheel...close together / connected at the center (hub) and then we branch out (at the rim) to live our individual, separate lives) I visualize my positive energy traveling up the invisible spoke to the invisible hub where Richard's soul connects to all of ours.... I send it with the hope & prayer that he will make it through this.
The photo above is for Richard. I had wanted to go out on the day of his surgery and take a nice photo just for him, but what happened was not as planned. Instead, I took 5 minutes snapping a few pics in a tiny garden I have next to our house, before going off to the hospital here to be with my in-laws. The results were lousy at best, (helped out afterwards by Photoshop) but the original intention remained. The photo below is for Andrea, Richard's partner, who very kindly kept me informed while he was in the hospital. She is keeping his spirits up and is a tower of strength, according to Richard. He has a long road ahead of him, but thankfully Andrea is by his side.

I agree, I think we are all connected, whethr it be spokes on the wheel of life,or the warp and weft of the fabric of many lives woven together, but all part of a large and beautiful pattern none of us is able to see in total.
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